Sunday 22 February 2009

AS Media Studies Coursework Evaluation

My media product challenges forms of conventions because unlike many films of the horror genre it is set in the day. usually horror genre is set at night to intensify mystery and uneasiness in the audience. It allso has a female villain, while most of my chosen genre's villiains are dipicted as usually male, hideouse and big.Though to be perfectly honest i have followed sum conventions of the genre; it is set in an eery wood and feautres guns, and general violence.

My media represents particular social groups as being blood thirsty and posibly adrenaline junkies. Particular people whoe watch horror films watch them for the rush that they get out of being scared.My film's audience would be people generally aged between 15 - 50 and be general fans of the horror genre. Thow tyically young males in their tenage years are probably my prime audeince.

My media product would probably be a warner brothers production; the reason being they usually produce allot of theses type of films, while obviously not something along the lines of walt disney for rather obviouse reasons. warner brothers have allot of success making these films as they are a big budget compnay based in america which is a huge country itself.

I atracted my audience by not giving away to much about my film, people are more drawn and more inquisitive about a film they now very little about. My film allso relates to our generation as it feautures the many catalysts of a enjoyable horror flick; violence, action and s care factor. I have allso attracted the audeince by using actors that can relate to the audience more; being that they are ordinary looking people themselves. They are not astonishly good luking or incredibly muscular in their appaearnce so giving the story a more realistic feel. people tend to be atratced to a person or subject that can relate too

I have learnt to use programs like pinnacle studio 10 more proggressively since i have been doing media studies.for example editing and inserting font into my movie. Allso i have gradually got a lot better at using cameras throughout the course.

i have learnt to explore different types of camera angles and develop my camera skills further. allso my use of editing has improved.

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